
20 اسفند 1398

Where is surrogacyallowed

Theregulations that govern surrogacy, and whether it is allowed to take place atall, differ across countries of the world. Some countries, such as Spain, theUK, China, Canada, and Australia will allow altruisticsurrogacy, but will not allow any form of commercial arrangement to take place.Other countries ban surrogacy completely and include Germany, Italy, andFrance. Iran, which has no hard laws at all regulating surrogacy, has become apopular destination for couples seeking surrogate mothers in recent years. TheUSA is plagued by different regulations in different states, and many Americancouples travel abroad to make arrangements. surrogacycost


14 اسفند 1398


surrogacy cost :Surrogacy is the involvement of a third party in the infertility treatmentprocess; a couple asks another woman to carry and give birth to a baby for thembecause the female partner is unable to have a normal pregnancy. There areseveral ways of approaching surrogacy butthis is not an easy process, either emotionally or ethically.

Ifyou are a woman who is unable to carry a child, due to problems with conceptionor potential problems with pregnancy, labor or delivery, then a surrogatemother can carry your child on your behalf. Surrogacy has also been used byolder couples, unable to conceive naturally, and by homosexual male partnerswho want to have a child that has been conceived with one partner’s sperm and thesurrogate’s own eggs, or donor eggs.

surrogacy cost

Recovery time frame after buttock augmentation

24 بهمن 1398

Recovery time frame after buttockaugmentation

It is vitally importantthat you follow all patient care instructions provided by your surgeon. This will include information about wearingcompression garments, care of your drains, taking an antibiotic if prescribed,and the level and type of activity that is safe. Your surgeon will also providedetailed instructions about the normal symptoms you will experience and anypotential signs of complications. It is important to realize that the amount oftime it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.

The first two weeks

  • The recovery period isslightly longer and more painful in the buttock area because this body region is used forphysical activities such as walking, running, and even standing.
  • On the first day after surgery, you may be instructed to stay in bed with thecompression garment on and to periodically move your hands and feet tomaintain good circulation. You will be able to get up and walk after thesecond postoperative day.
  • When transported homeor to your first postoperative follow-up visit, you will be instructed tolie on your stomach in the back seat of the car to avoid pressure on yourbuttocks. This position should also be used to maneuver and stand for thefirst 3 days.
  • You will also beinstructed to lie on your stomach or side while sleeping and whilewatching TV or reading.
  • You can expect somebruising and swelling in the buttock area during recovery; this may spreadup to the abdominal or thigh area. This is normal and will begin tosubside after a few days or weeks.
  • Your buttocks may besore and painful, but this usually begins to resolve after just a fewdays. Pain medication will be prescribed forthe pain.
  • Drains will be in placefor the first seven days to eliminate fluid buildup and oozing from yourincisions.
  • An oralantibiotic will be prescribed to be taken as long as the drains are inplace.

No sitting will bepermitted for the first ten days (except for toileting). After this time youcan sit with a soft pillow placed beneath your hamstrung muscles but nottouching your buttock so that your buttock is in the air and there is nopressure on the newly augmented buttock.

after butt lift

23 بهمن 1398

after butt lift

Recovery: Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you canreturn to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and yourcaregiver will receive detailed instructions about your postsurgical care,including information about:

  • Drains, if they havebeen placed
  • Normal symptoms youwill experience
  • Potentialsigns of complications

See options for short-termrecovery locations inAftercare and Recovery (Planning Toolkit).

Immediately after your buttock augmentation :The incisions where your surgeon inserted the cannulaor the implants may drain fluids for several days. Drainage tubes are ofteninserted to channel this fluid away from the wound.

Youwill wear special tight garments to keepyour buttock area compressed. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear these, usually forweeks. Some doctors provide these garments, but others will tell you where topurchase them before your surgery.

When the anesthesia wearsoff, you may have some pain. If the pain is extreme or long-lasting, contactyour physician. You will also have some swelling after the surgery. In somecases, this swelling will remain for weeks or even months. Contact your surgeonto determine whether your pain and swelling is normal or a sign of a problem.

? How do I prepare for a buttock augmentation procedure

20 بهمن 1398

How do I prepare for a buttock augmentation procedure?

What are my options?  There are two main approaches for buttock augmentation: autologous fat transfer (Brazillian butt lift) and buttock implant surgery.

Your surgeon will recommend an approach based on your aesthetic goals and body shape. Buttock implants may be chosen if you desire a more rounded appearance to your buttocks while fat grafting is an excellent way to contour and reshape your buttocks.

 If you are very slender with little excess fat, then implants may be appropriate; however, if you have sagging buttocks after massive weight loss, then fat grafting or a combination of fat and implant surgery may be more effective.

Silicone injections – patient safety warning  :Silicone injections are an unsafe and unacceptable option for buttock augmentation. These injections are often offered by unlicensed individuals and should be avoided. Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon if you are considering a buttock augmentation procedure.

How do I prepare for a buttock augmentation procedure?   Your surgeon will provide you with preoperative instructions, answer any questions you may have, take a detailed medical history, and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.

In advance of your procedure, your surgeon will ask you to:

  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to promote better healing.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and some herbal medications that can cause increased bleeding.
  • Regardless of the type of surgery to be performed, hydration is very important before and after surgery for safe recovery.

Buttock augmentation is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.

Buttock implants

19 بهمن 1398

Buttock implants

Autologous fat transfer   :This procedure takes fat from one area of your body and uses it to enhance and reshape your buttocks.

  • Liposuction with suction tubes (cannulas) is used to remove fatty tissue from areas of your body with excess tissue, such as the abdomen, hips, back, or thighs.
  • The fat is then processed for fat transfer.
  • The fat is reinjected using syringes connected to cannulas.
  • Usually, three small incisions are needed for injecting the fat, but these incision sites are easily hidden by clothing.
  • The fat is grafted in layers at multiple levels, with the cannula moving back and forth to ensure that a smooth, linear deposit of fatty tissue is left to reshape and augment the buttocks area.
  • The liposuction incisions are closed with sutures.
  • Drains are inserted and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
  • Butt Lift Cost in Iran

Buttock implants  :Implants are most appropriate for treating flat or poorly defined buttocks, particularly for patients who have limited fatty tissue. They are not as effective for treating sagging buttocks that may occur after significant weight loss.

  • With this procedure, a soft, shaped silicone implant is placed through an incision hidden inside the natural buttock crease, or an alternate incision site may be used. Your plastic surgeon will provide further details about these incision locations during the consultation.
  • The implant is positioned in a pocket below the large buttock (gluteal) muscle and above the pelvic bone.
  • The incisions are closed with sutures, drains are inserted, and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
  • Butt Lift Cost in Iran

Implants are most appropriate for treating flat or poorly defined buttocks, particularly for patients who have limited fatty tissue. They are not as effective for treating sagging buttocks that may occur after significant weight loss.

  • With this procedure, a soft, shaped silicone implant is placed through an incision hidden inside the natural buttock crease, or an alternate incision site may be used. Your plastic surgeon will provide further details about these incision locations during the consultation.
  • The implant is positioned in a pocket below the large buttock (gluteal) muscle and above the pelvic bone.
  • The incisions are closed with sutures, drains are inserted, and a compression garment is worn following surgery.
  • Butt Lift Cost in Iran


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